oil painting
February 2025 Recent Works by Carlene Atwater
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September: Iowa Artists Traveling Show called Art HOP group exhibition and a mini Village Art exhibition in the POP-UP Gallery
FMAAA Art Center to host Art HOP of Southeast Iowa and another version of Village Art in September The Southeast Iowa Art HOP is at the FMAAA Art Center in Fort Madison and Art Domestique in Washington, Iowa with this exhibitions being held across both of these two galleries in South Eastern Iowa.. The art…
May 2024 | Familiar Figures
Rockwell’s exhibition entitled Familiar Figures opens on Thursday, May 2nd with an Opening Reception from 5pm to 7pm. This exhibit is a series of oil paintings in vivid color based upon old family photos juxtaposed against more recently taken shots. They are thoughtfully composed records of teachable moments, memorable firsts, and some of the many…
Annual High School Art Exhibition
Hosting the Annual High School Art Auction is a tradition for the FMAAA Art Center. This year Fort Madison High School, Cardinal High School, and Central Lee High School have filled the Main Gallery with an amazing exhibition that ranges through a variety of categories including: 2D Black/White, 2D Color, Painting, Mixed Media, Ceramics, Sculpture,…
Upcoming Exhibitions:
Upcoming exhibitions in the Main Gallery and Pop-up Gallery at the FMAAA Art Center. Click the heading for the list of upcoming exhibits
Annual Member Show at FMAAA Art Center
December Member Show viewing through December 30 The FMAAA is proud to be in our 43rd year and adding new members each month this past year. We are excited to bring the many visions each of our artists have together in one space. This year we have 41 member artists exhibiting 70 pieces of their…
November 2023 | A Season of Study by Jane Elizabeth
Jane Elizabeth’s exhibition dove into the processes of a plein air painter, from studies painted in situ then taken back to the studio and used as the inspiration for other more developed pieces.