July 2024 Exhibition | Paintings and Prints by Steve Helling

Thursday, July 11  |   Opening Reception  5pm to 7pm

Friday, July 26  |  Lunch ala Art  noon

                             FINALE with John Heasly

Helling has his own recognizable style

In conjunction with this month’s exhibition, the FMAAA Art Center will be hosting Lunch ala Art, a luncheon and artist talk, on Friday, July 26 at noon. The luncheon catered by Garden of Eatin is $10 per person with advance reservations recommended. Please contact admin@fortmadisonart.com or call 319-372-3996 to place your reservation. You are not obligated to eat the meal to attend the artist talk which begins at approximately 12:30pm and will last about 20 to 30 minutes.

The FMAAA Art Center and the programming we provide for the community is supported in part by donors and sponsors. This month’s gallery exhibition was generously sponsored by Melissa Derr of Edward Jones and Associates.  The FMAAA is open Tuesday – Saturday from 10am to 5pm.

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