Opening Reception for Landscapes and Farmscapes is Thursday, March 7 from 5pm to 7pm
The Main Gallery features watercolors developed “on the farm” at Cambre House and Farm by photographer and now watercolorist, Rebecca Williamson this month. Williamson has developed her charming little pieces in a style reminiscent of a folk artist, which has proved popular with visitors to her farm and event facility. This exhibition is set to coincide with a pop-up exhibition by local folk artist, Henry Bechtal. Both of these artists have developed work by capturing landscapes and farmscapes in a whimsical manner, just for the joy of it. While neither artist is classically trained, they have provided series of work that are approachable and encapsulate little stories of their own design and imagination.
Lunch ala Art and FINALE return to the FMAAA Art Center this month with a luncheon and gallery talk by Williamson set for Friday, March 22 and FINALE, a free performance evening, with new material by Brad Kurz beginning at 7pm.
The FMAAA Art Center is grateful to our sponsors for making our monthly exhibitions possible. A big thank you goes out to Huffman’s Welding and Huffman’s Farm and Home for their generous support of this exhibition.
Landscapes and Farmscapes will be on exhibit Tuesday – Saturday from 1oam to 5pm through Friday, March 29, 2024.